
Breast cancer screening
and treatment program

  • This is an essential test for breast cancer. The breast is pressed against two plates to achieve a certain thickness and then photographed using X-rays.

  • It is used to precisely examine lesions found in mammography or breast examination, and is used as an auxiliary examination method when high-density breasts are confirmed in mammography.

  • It is more expensive than other tests, but there is no radiation exposure and both breasts can be clearly compared.

  • This test is useful for determining the stage of breast cancer, determining treatment effectiveness, and checking for recurrence after breast cancer is confirmed.

  • It is used to detect breast cancer, check the presence and extent of lymph node metastasis, and metastasis to other organs such as bone or liver.

  • When there is a breast lump, a biopsy is performed by collecting tissue using fine needle aspiration cytology, needle biopsy, mammogram biopsy, etc. to check for cancer cells.

Advantages of
vacuum-assisted breast biopsy

  • Large amounts of tissue can be
    collected for accurate diagnosis
  • Small scars no more than 5 to 7 mm
  • By inserting a needle under ultrasound guidance, tissue can be collected painlessly
  • Large Tumors, Multiple Tumors removed quickly at the same time
  • Very suitable for Korean women with hard and dense breasts
  • Same-day discharge available immediately after the procedure (may be same-day admission)

Vacuum-assisted breast
biopsy procedure process

  • Step. 1

    Position the needle close to the lesion in the breast under ultrasound guidance

  • Step. 2

    Use vacuum to pull tissue into a recessed groove in the needle

  • Step. 3

    Cut the tissue inside the groove with a rotary blade

  • Step. 4

    Extraction of tissue from the human body